dilluns, 23 de març del 2009


Paula: Hi Clàudia. You look worried. What's the matter?
Clàudia: Er... it's nothing.
Paula: Is it the French exam tomorrow? You shouldn't worry. You will pass easily.
Clàudia: I know.
Paula: Come on, tell me. What are you worried about?
Clàudia: Ok... it's Pau. I don't think he doesn't want to meet with me. Mariona was talking to him yesterday about this.
Paula: That's serious. His is importan for you, I know. What are you going to do?
Clàudia: I'm not sure. What do you tink?
Paula: If I were you, I'd speak to his friends. They're really friendly.
Clàudia: I've only met they one time. Can you come with me?
Paula: Yes, of course. Come on and find them.

dilluns, 16 de març del 2009


Author: Clive Staples Lewis
Born: 29 November 1898, Belfast, Ireland
Did you know? C.S. Lewis was a very good friend of J.R.R Tolkien. He got the idea for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when four children stayed at his house. They were bored, so he told them stories.

The Chronicles of Narnia was first published in 1950. There are seven books in the series. the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in his best-known book: it was recently voted the best children's book of all time in Great Britain. The books follow the adventures of a group of children who enter a maginc wardrobe and fine themselves in Narnia. Here they discover a magical world created by the Lion Aslan. But it is in danger and the children must fight with the forces of evil to save Narnia.

The writers of the TV series Lost are fans of C.S. Lewis. They called one character Charlotte Staples Lewis!


On 20 January, Barack Obama became America's 44th President... and the nation's first black President.

· Many americans never imagined they would see a black President. Only 50 years ago, Black leader Martin Luther King was fighting for equal rights for blacks.

· Barack Obama is of mixed race. His father was a black economist from Kenya. His mother waas a with anthropologist from Hawaii.

·Obama and his wife Michelle have to girls: Malia, age ten, and Sasha, age 7. They used to live in Chicago, Illinois. Now they live in the With House, the Presidential residence in Washington DC. Obama's family was very visible during his campaign. But Obama wants his children to live normal lives, away from the TV cameras.

"This is our moment, This is our time.. to reclaim the American dream. Yes, we can."